Being the daughter of a world-renowned duo of heroes, it should be no surprise that Eirine was a rather spirited, high-energy child. Of course, she only has vague recollections of her earliest years, but the bits & pieces she does remember include listening intently to her parents’ thrilling stories of their own adventures & playfully training to become a hero of her own in the fields outside of their house on the outskirts of the nearby village, Treius. One day, however, not long after her tenth birthday, her mom & dad set out on another quest, one that only they could supposedly complete, leaving her behind with her uncle (whom she always just called Gramps due to his age) to watch over her in their absence. Her mother’s soft, warm smile from that day followed by a gentle “We’ll be back soon, honey! We promise!” is the last memory she has of her parents. They never returned, & nobody’s ever claimed to have seen them since.
Once she realized her parents were seemingly never coming back, she was devastated. This didn’t last long, though, as she quickly resolved to get serious with her training & become a good enough warrior to go out into the world & find them. Every single day, she went out into the yard & practiced her swordplay, eventually mastering a suite of swift, heavy strikes. Gramps didn’t exactly approve of this at first, but at some point, he ended up coming around, even passing his own old longsword, Shinkunochi, on to her.
For years, Eirine continued to hone her skills with the blade, until a rather unexpected problem presented itself – puberty. As she grew older, her body matured with her. In particular, her breasts ballooned at a rather rapid pace & never seemed to completely stop. These newfound obstacles & top-heaviness proved quite troublesome, completely screwing up her balance & interrupting all her prior moves. She was about ready to give up entirely, until Gramps taught her a rather valuable lesson – “The greatest warriors know how to turn their weaknesses into strengths.” After some further trial & error, she figured out what exactly that meant for her – move with her body rather than against it. With this mindset, she changed her fighting style into a much more graceful one, utilizing her new proportions to deliver flurries of blows even faster than she ever had before. Once she mastered this new technique, she even began incorporating wind magic into some of her strongest attacks. Every day she keeps growing & improving, even if it’s just ever so slightly, in hopes of someday going out on her own journey.
A special longsword passed down to her by Gramps. Meaning roughly “crimson blood” in an ancient language, it’s adorned with a fitting dark red stripe along the outer edge & a jet black tip. Apparently, Gramps was a rather renowned swordmaster in his time, but he gave up that life after a rather severe injury permanently crippled the muscles in his sword arm. Having become quite skilled with it over the years, she always carries it around with her & hardly ever uses any other blade if she doesn’t have to.
One of her special moves that she considers her ultimate technique. Utilizing her assets & wind manipulation skills to their fullest, she leaps forward, spinning through the air in a violent corkscrew of strong gales & sword slashes. The strength of her vortex makes it hard to avoid, & anything caught in her path will almost assuredly be shredded to pieces. While powerful, the move is also somewhat tiring. Using it more than once in rapid succession &/or for longer than a couple seconds tends to take a lot out of her, so she tends to avoid that whenever possible.